Why Samantha Loves EMDR

Why Samantha Loves EMDR

A little over a year ago I was newly postpartum and grappling with intense anxiety, desperate for relief. My OB referred me to a therapist who happened to be an EMDR therapist to help with my triggers. We didn’t do standard EMDR in our sessions, but mostly talk therapy with some EMDR resourcing techniques woven in to manage my current stressors (though I didn’t know it was EMDR at the time!). I was overwhelmed by intrusive thoughts — dark and terrifying ones that are all too common for postpartum moms. Most of these thoughts revolved around either me or my baby dying. It was an incredibly challenging time. I felt alone, isolated, and afraid.

During one session, my therapist introduced me to the “container exercise,” a common EMDR resourcing technique. She encouraged me to imagine a container where I could safely place my intrusive thoughts. I visualized a mason jar, like the one I used as a child to catch lightning bugs on warm summer nights. This simple exercise brought me immense relief. Every time we revisited it, I imagined placing my scariest thoughts into the jar and tightening the lid. Over time those intrusive thoughts began to shrink in power. 

My maternity leave was soon over and I was unable to continue working with that therapist. I was nervous, but I had my mason jar ready to access it when the anxious thoughts returned.

Months later, I was working with a career counselor to navigate a professional transition. In one session, they asked, “Have you ever thought about becoming an EMDR therapist?” I was intrigued but unfamiliar with the term. My counselor explained the process, which sounded strikingly like my mason jar experience. Surprised, I asked, “Wait, that’s EMDR?” My counselor nodded and encouraged me to explore training in the field.

Being the dedicated student I am, I researched EMDR and discovered Seattle EMDR Associates. Shortly afterward I began my training which included the opportunity to experience EMDR firsthand. In one 20-minute session I was able to release a grudge I’d held onto for 20 years. In another, I worked on my triggers around driving after a car accident and can now face those situations with a sense of calm instead of white knuckling through them. I even began to chip away at a deep-seated negative belief about myself that I’ve carried since childhood—though that work is ongoing, the progress I’ve made is life-changing.

EMDR isn’t a magic wand that makes trauma vanish overnight. It’s a powerful tool for healing the wounds of the past, addressing the challenges of the present, and creating a pathway to thrive in the future. For me, EMDR provided the means to manage intrusive thoughts during an incredibly painful postpartum period. It also unlocked a career and vocation I never imagined for myself. Most importantly, it gave me insights into what was holding me back and the tools to move forward.

I am now a firm believer in EMDR and am passionate about sharing its effectiveness with anyone who is interested.

Expanding into Federal Way!

Expanding into Federal Way!